Project COPE
Choices and Opportunities Project for the Elderly Blind
There are solutions for the elderly blind. Many elderly visually impaired men and women have been assisted by the free services of COPE.
The COPE program is grant-funded through:
- Affiliated Blind of Louisiana (ABL)
- Federal, State, and Private Grants
- Direct Appropriations
- Private Contributions

Whom can COPE assist?
COPE can help those who are:
- 55 or older
- Legally Blind
- Totally Blind
- Have a condition leading to sever vision loss
- Louisiana residents
COPE requires verification of age and a letter from an eye professional documenting the eye condition.
Project COPE offers:
- Home-Based Training - A four-hour session held in the client's own home. Instructors assist clients with learning to prepare meals using the adaptive aids provided, with safety as a key factor. Instructors evaluate clients on their abilities and awareness in: money management, self-medication, use of magnifiers and transportation services including cane travel, and their recreational needs along with many other areas that are fundamental in leading an independent life. Referrals are made to other service agencies as needed.
- Confident Living Program (CLP) - A thirty-hour training session over a series of four days. Clients meet in small group settings of 8-12 persons (at centers for Counsel on Aging [COA], assisted living, or church facilities). Clients participate in activities that include but are not limited to: low vision screening, orientation and mobility training, money management, advocacy training, cooking safety, arts and crafts, secondary disability training, and social activity.
- Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Loaner Program - Clients who qualify are given a low vision evaluation by a Low Vision Specialist. Only with their recommendation does a client qualify for a CCTV; after which, a COPE staff member will deliver, set up, and train the client on the CCTV device. The CCTV will be loaned to the recipient until the unit is either no longer needed or cannot be used by the qualified person.
- Information and Outreach Program - A presentation has been developed to explain our services, eligibility requirements, and the process to becoming a client. This service was developed as a means of providing information to the underserved population of our state as well as Home Health agencies, Council on Aging, and other providers who come into contact with potential clients. Participants in this program will also be given a packet of information to better understand the importance, qualifications, and services of our Training Center and Project COPE, as well as beneficial information on various eye disorders and much more.

COPE provides a limited number of adaptive aids to clients based on the recommendation of project staff. Adaptive Aids promote independence and safety. An adaptive aid may be a talking clock, writing guide, mobility cane, or a large button telephone. REFERRAL TO OTHER SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS
For more information, contact Chyvonne at (800) 319-4444 or by e-mail at |