Photo montage of people at various ABL events

Bumblebees Can't Fly!?!

According to laws of aerodynamics the bumble bee cannot fly. It’s body is too heavy for its little bitty wings. But, the bumble bee doesn’t know that , so it flies anyway.

Just like the bumblebee, members of Affiliated Blind of Louisiana hear from society, “You are blind, so you can’t do that.”. But, ABL knows differently, so we just go on flying!

The Affiliated Blind of Louisiana, Inc. organization gives out Bumblebee awards biennially. This is a way to honor members who have supported our mission and shown the world that blindness does not hinder someone from achieving their dreams.

Picture of a chubby bumble bee flying

How Can You Help?

To help in any way, please contact us here at the ABL Training Center by giving us a call, making a donation, or just stopping by.