Blind men and women learning how to walk through a busy intersection controlled by a traffic light

ABLE Employment Services

ABL Training Center provides everything the client needs to be placed into the workforce. We focus on these key areas:

Assessment and Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation and Counseling

The assessment, vocational evaluation, and vocational counseling program utilizes a variety of functional, objective, subjective assessment, and evaluation instruments to identify client aptitude, values, interests, motivation, temperament, and general educational functioning which is required for successful rehabilitation, educational, and job placement.

Effective assessment of new clients begins with an initial interview of each new client's background along with a functional assessment of their present abilities. This information is then utilized to develop an Individual Service Plan (ISP) with the client, which will assist them to reach their maximum potential and independence. The vocational evaluation and counseling segment employs a number of evaluation instruments to help clients identify their strengths, vocational interests, and vocational/educational potential, along with increasing their self-awareness and knowledge of the labor market and its demands to produce outcomes that are appropriate for each individual. Clients engage in vocational exploration through a variety of experiences such as reading, talking with workers, visiting work sites, internships, Internet access, and on-the-job training. The duration of these services range from 40 to 120 hours.

Additionally, each client's functional skills are assessed during the last 2 months of their training. This is accomplished using practical assignments which employ many of the skills they have learned while at the training center. Their performance is appraised to judge their proficiency utilizing their adaptive skills and to determine any additional skills training they may require prior to graduation.

The evaluation team can also design individualized and specialized assessments based on the specific needs of our consumers. These include multi-disabled individuals, individuals with a history of psychological involvement, and other underemployed populations.

Job Readiness Training

Job readiness training addresses those skills clients will need to get and keep a job. Training includes completing employment applications, writing resumes, interviewing techniques, mode of presentation, organizing a job search, interpersonal work skills including accepting supervision and getting along with co-workers, and good work habits (i.e., punctuality, attendance, completion of tasks).

Clients will engage in video-taped mock interviews, prepare cover and thank you letters, and learn the use of the telephone in conducting job searches. Instruction will incorporate the five competencies identified by the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) as necessary to successful work performance. These are the ability to: identify, plan, and allocate resources; work with others, acquire and use information, understand complex interrelationships, and work with a variety of technologies. Training will range from 40 to 120 hours.

Receptionist Training Program
This program focuses on vocationally-bound students. They learn to function professionally at a reception desk, information desk, call center, or switchboard. Training topics include:

  • Operation of multi-line telephone systems
  • Effective call handling
  • Operation of the TTY or TDD for the deaf
  • Use of the relay service for the deaf
  • Operations of intercom systems
  • Handwriting
  • Message taking
  • Call prioritization
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Customer service skills
  • Business phone etiquette
  • The importance of voice tone and creating positive public images
  • Public relations and ambassadorship
  • The importance of appropriate interpersonal communications
  • Keyboarding
  • Understanding of importance of proper handling of telephone calls
  • Understanding the psychology of telephone use, including action/reaction
  • Duration of training is four weeks

Job Development and Placement

Job development and placement are the services necessary for finding jobs which will meet the clients' and employers' needs. A successful job match requires a systematic method of identifying and contacting employers, evaluating workplace requirements and employer expectations, and matching a client to that need. This requires that the job developer have intimate knowledge of the client's ability to perform satisfactorily on the job. For that reason, the job developer will also conduct job readiness training. A job analysis will be conducted on each job developed to identify specific skills required. On-site training will be provided if such need is identified. Services will range from 20 to 240 hours.

For more information contact, Theresa Smith by calling (337)234-6492 Ext 191 or by emailing 

How Can You Help?

To help in any way, please contact us here at the ABL Training Center by giving us a call, making a donation, or just stopping by.